The coolslim Plan focuses on eating low kapha (k) value food . k value is a scientifically devised number that gives more information than calories – it tells you how easy it is to digest, process, and eliminate the food in the body. for weight loss, eat lower k value food

It provides nutrition and life style for women going through menopause.

To Eat Or Not To Eat

What you eat will affect how you feel. Correct nutrition in the CoolSlim Plan helps you get through whatever transition in life you are going through. The CoolSlim Plan helps you to sail through life’s stages.

Lose weight

Eat to help you deal with symptoms -perimenopausal, menopausal.

Have more energy

Whatever your goal,You know you will sail through...

The CoolSlim Plan focuses on eating low Kapha (K) value food. K value is a scientifically devised number that gives more information than calories – it tells you how easy it is to digest, process, and eliminate the food in the body. For weight loss, eat lower K value food.

There are 6 tastes in foods - Sweet, Salty, Sour, Astringent, Bitter and Pungent. Having all the 6 tastes in a meal helps reduce food cravings and over eating of certain foods.

Herbal Slimming Supplements & Wraps

CoolSlim Capsules with Ginger, Kelp and Green Tea help curb the appetite. Add Kapha Spice Mix to your food to give the 6 tastes. The Advanced Vitamins & Minerals for optimum function. CoolSlim Body Wrap for firming.

Personalised Physical & Breathing Exercises

Taking just a few minutes a day to practice some physical and deep breathing exercises can decrease stress, relax your mind and body, helping you sleep better and improve your overall wellbeing.

Motivation & Visualisation

The CoolSlim Plan focuses on helping you find ways to increase your motivation and visualisation- a crucial factor which allows you to change behaviour, develop competencies, set and achieve your goals, make plans and boost your confidence.

Community Support & Guidance

Here at CoolSlim Plan we support one another, interact, and share our daily experiences and weight loss struggles.

Having this open bond allows for valuable relationships to be built and gives us a deeper sense of being understood.

Intermittent Fasting

Eat meals in a window of 8 to 10 hours daily (if health allows).

Rest Day

Once a week liquids and light meals for cleansing and detoxifying.

To learn about the science behind The CoolSlim Plan Click here