How to lose weight after birth

How to lose weight after birth

You are a new mum and you want to lose weight 3, 7…10 kg, but the problem is you are not really succeeding. The tummy does not want to disappear, the cellulite and stretch marks are still there. Well, you’re not alone! Most mothers How to lose weight after birth have to face this challenge. Coolherbals professionals gives you some advice on how to cope with the situation.

After birth, your body changes. You may have put on between 10 and 13 kg on an average. The pelvis is enlarged and the uterus may also have increased, which explains why your abdomen remains inflated for some time. Relax because it is absolutely normal! For the skin to regain its firmness 5-6 months may be required to regain the silhouette you had you’ll need to be patient for longer!

When to start your weight loss diet?

In the first months of your baby’s life, it’s hard to get the diet that’s right. You have little time to breathe, and the time that remains between feedings, shopping and nights feeding, you’ll need it to regain your lost energy. In addition, during this period, a diet is not encouraged because the last thing you need is food deficiencies.

Wait a few weeks to put yourself on the diet. Breastfeeding already consumes enough energy and promotes weight loss, but that does not mean you can throw in all kinds of sweet temptations. Try to eat balanced, focusing on calcium (milk), iron (grilled fish and meat), concoctions (vegetables, meat) and drink plenty of water.

Going back to a slim figure

Because your normal program is affected by the arrival of the baby, try not to let it affect your eating schedule. Do not eat standing, take regular meals, quietly, without hurry.

Given that you’re home, snacking is very tempting! Do not do that! If you cannot help avoid sugary foods, fill your fridge with fruit instead! Opt for low-fat foods that you can cook on the grill or vapour.

Eat dried fruits and vegetables because they are rich in fibre and keep you going until the next meal. Do not choose to have a drastic regime! Your body is still confused after so many changes. This is no time to brutalise it. It is best to get off 500 grammes per week. It’s good for you and for your health.

You can find out more on how to lose weight by following our CoolSlim Plan which encourages you to eat your normal meals but focus on the K factor foods in your diet and have 6 tastes in each meal. For better results take the CoolSlim natural supplements to aid curbing diet and to improve your digestion and metabolism.

Do sport!

Any weight loss diet must be accompanied by exercise. But pay attention, first, you must start with some slight movements of arms and legs because your body is still fragile. Walks are ideal for weight loss, and relaxation, so you should devote half an hour a day for it. In time after you feel fitter, you can go swimming, jogging, attend aerobics to remove reserves of fat from your body. Take up yoga lessons, it will keep your mind and body balanced.

There are also body wraps available for stomach, arms and legs. You can try the CoolSlim Stomach Firming Wrap which comes with FREE 50g Firming Lotion.  It will help you lose inches in 30 minutes while the unique Coolslim Neophrene Belt keeps your stomach looking visibly slimmer in between wraps or for daily use.

If you’re still having trouble losing weight, visit a nutritionist or ask our expert advice at

‘, ‘How-to-lose-weight-after-birth’, ‘baby, baby weight, slim,diet, fat,’, ‘You are a new mum and you want to lose weight 3, 7…10 kg, but the problem is you are not really succeeding. The tummy does not want to disappear, the cellulite and stretch marks are still there. Well, you”re not alone! Most mothers have to face this challenge. Coolherbals professionals gives you some advice on how to cope with the situation.’, ‘How-to-lose-weight-after-birth’, ‘baby weight, slimming, diet, sport’),